4 July 2012

Superman render - 3-D modelling

 Time to see what else is that there...

Move away form the creative suite for just a touch to experiment with alternative possibilities of graphic Design and digital art forms. Blender 3D was a main highlight to many graphic artists on youtube. It was interesting because, even though Blender was a free software program, the software was completely malleable to artistic form. Rendering, animations, game engines and physics simulators. Such a great touch of freeware, which can essentially produce realistic results when an individual has had some quality experience with the interface.

A few sketches of both the X and Y axis of my soon to become rendered superman model. I found that by using pencil to draw out the symmetry, I could develop a quick and easy reference image to place on the X and Y axis when modelling my figurine.

The hero was composed with it's limbs spread apart to create a clean, animated movement of objects when the model was parented to a skeleton. The construction of bones also comes to a great advantage to the maneuver of parts during animations or poses (in this case) in blender 3D.

I enjoyed the final outcomes of this experiement, though with great understanding I know how difficult it can be in hours upon hours of refining character shape, to produce a simple result. However, I found this beneficial to my knowledge of 3-D modelling techniques. I may wish to purchase official modelling software in the future, to help develop my skills as a malleable designer and graphic artist.

The relationship between sketch and model, overall came out very well. I could utilize Photoshop to adjust any measurements necessary to the refine the finishing touches of the figurine.
Blender also has great colour and material qualities. For example, I utilized the luminosity and intensity of the colours of the outfit, to reduce shadow from nearby lighting. Because of this, I could also utilize the reflection off of the building, as the spherical daily planet mirrors the background sky image and partially the superman figurine.

Final product . . .                                       Jack

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