18 June 2012

Slow shutter speed photography - 35mm film

Abstract Photography

Hey look! some people walking around in the Center of town, slow shutter adjusted one minute... ahh okay there we go. Click.

I Practiced with a Film camera early this year, and so pleased that I did! Such excellent effects on photographs, and of course the technical touches to the photography knowledge bank.

I like this element of white space present in at the lightest parts of the scene. How, small minor details of the crevasses of the floor reveal direct leading lines towards the movement of people. A modern bridge way, creating strong vertical lines in the background. Defining existence of space beyond the mist of the white light.

I used a F55 Nikon camera for this photograph. The camera is not too bad itself, has a limited zoom and focus like many first cameras and is part electronic. It uses a digital light meter to interpret levels of light to indicate the appropriate setup requirements. I prefer this, as after using a friends film camera, it appears that many old cameras existing in car boots and charity shops alike have poor efficiency in indicating the amount of light entering the camera, revealing a mass clip of under-exposed images. However, Film cameras are fun, especially the older Nikon's and Canon's. 

Film in general is a great photographic experience. 

Does anyone have any threads or links to a pinhole camera image? looking to give it a try. 


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